Plumbing pix
We've had so many requests for a picture of the magical toilet that I'm going to post one here. You can see the washbasin atop the tank. On the left are the electrical controls for the various functions described in the earlier post.
I feel funny spending so much time on the topic, but you know--bathrooms are something we can all relate to. In this spirit, I just had to include a shot of the amazing urinal I visited yesterday. The basic idea seems to be to create the illusion that you're camping in the woods. The picture may be a little hard to figure out; let's just say that the blue circle is the target. As one does one's business, sensors trigger fountains on either side to rinse the glass. Outlined footprints show you where to stand.
Could you please post a pic with the seat up? I'd like to see how this wonder works!
I just bought a new toilet--looks like I got the wrong one!
Wait a minute. If the toilet does everything for you--why do you need to wash your hands?
Tom has a bit of an obsession with bathroom fixtures, I think. (heehee)
You can't see the footprints because it's too dark--sorry--but they're on the floor. It's important to step carefully into them. Too far forward, and you'll step into the active part of the urinal. Too far back, and you might not reach the blue ring target on the glass.
I've seen the electrified toilet seat with sprayer on sale for around $500 US. I haven't seen the basin tanks for sale, so I don't know, and I don't know what the rest of a toilet would cost.
The ToTo toilet is imported into the's cost...measured in the thousands. As Casey Stingel used to say, "you could look it up"! The urinal reminds me of one at the top of the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong. There, the man faces a clear glass pane looking out onto the rooftops of the city, uh, hits tthe pane with his business, and flushes the pane while an attendant discretely watches and...uh...assists if necessary from behind. By the way, many congnoscenti rate the Hong Kong Peninsula as the best in the world, so this must be a very fashionable way to, uh, go.
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